I think I have become obsessed. Not with buying clothes, not with buying make-up, not even with David Beckham. But with books.
Books. Books. Books.
I love them. I love receiving a new book, opening it up, smelling that fresh smell of pages not yet turned, excited to be taken on a new adventure. And then there are second hand books. Used by one or more readers already. Makes you wonder what their experience of the book was. Did they enjoy it, did they hate it. What was happening in their lives at that moment in time while reading that book?...or maybe I’m just bis.
From an early age my mommy took myself and my younger sister to the library. Every second week we would make the trip to our library, explore the many shelves, choose the most attractive books, pack it into our colourful library packets and look through the same pages for the entire two weeks. Then the cycle continued.
In Primary school one of the periods we would have was called “Library.” I loved it! But you know, you can’t seem too enthusiastic because it would just seem downright nerdy. But I really loved it. I have probably read the entire series of The Babysitters Club, the Princess Diaries series (still ranks in the top five of my favourite movies) and many, many encyclopedia’s (probably due to the fact that I have always wanted to be a teacher.)
Thereafter I went through high school and university hardly reading a single book other than my textbooks. It just felt like there was no time. There probably was but everything else seemed much more important than reading. I must have been a dark person then (gasp!). Anyway move on to the working world, felt I had a lot more time and picked up my first book (not a textbook) after years. I was exhilarated. I was hooked.
Now I find myself in a somewhat conflicting situation. With a pile of books waiting for me to still read and saving up with my fiancé as we are getting married next year I do realise that I still have appliances, crockery and linen to buy. But there’s one more book that I would really love to add to my collection. Should I? Shouldn’t I? Like, what’s one more book to the collection?
Let this day of conflicting thoughts resume! (bleh!)